Thank you for your interest. If you would like for your organization to be considered for a charitable contribution we will need the following information on your organization letterhead.
Official name of organization
What is your organization requesting from the Carey Family Foundation
What will the donation be used for
How many kids does your organization serve and ages
Non-profit # and EIN
How will the funds be used
Who manages the organization's finances
How many years has your organization been in existence
How else do you raise money
What league or group does your organization belong to
If we donated funds in the past, what were they used for
Where does your group hold your events and at what time of the year
Contact information
Make sure to include the date you need your donation by
Please email your request to the Carey Family Foundation at ilonawolpin@anolimanagement.com
Due to the volume of requests, please allow the foundation up to four weeks to review
All donation requests are subject to the approval of the Foundation